in podcasting

The Tobolowsky Files has returned

After an 18 month hiatus, The Tobolowsky Files has finally returned. The first two episodes of the new “season” have arrived, and you can download them here and here.

The problem with creating a podcast that requires 7,000 words of writing each week is that it’s difficult to publish it on a weekly basis. Stephen and I discussed how best to handle this and we agreed that we wanted to build up a backlog of episodes and come back weekly for a significant amount of time. Plus, Stephen’s new book will be out soon and we wanted to get some promotional attention on that thing. 

So, new episodes are here for at least 12 weeks. Possibly more later on. As Stephen has always said, the benefit of telling true stories is that they get to continue.

The Tobolowsky Files is not the most-downloaded show I’ve ever helped create but it’s the one that has the most passionate fanbase. So many people have found Stephen’s stories artistically insightful or emotionally meaningful to them. If you haven’t listened yet, I hope you’ll check it out on iTunes and see what people are so excited about.