in reviews, videography, videos

Nike+ Fuelband Video Review

I’m a huge admirer of The Verge. While I often don’t agree with their opinions, I appreciate that they put a lot of thoughtfulness and classiness into the site’s design and content. I’m particularly appreciative of David Pierce‘s reviews, which are always filmed, edited, and narrated beautifully, with a blistering pace.

It was with this in mind that I tried shooting my very first video review. Here it is:

Obviously the Fuelband has been out for almost two years now, but I’ve only recently hopped on the measuring-everything-you-do bandwagon, so thought it was a good as product as any to try my hand at shooting/editing/narrating a review video. A few thoughts on the final product:

  • Wow, this really gave me an appreciation for what goes into a video review. Specifically, I didn’t think through precisely how important matching the narration to the video would be. This is considerably easier when you’re doing a review where the reviewer is on camera and speaking to the audience – no matching footage required. On that note…
  • As you can probably tell, I did not shoot enough b-roll. Very simple to fix; I just didn’t have enough time to take care of it this time around.
  • I didn’t even bother color-correcting the video, as it was shot in a variety of different environments with different color temperatures. As a casual exercise, I didn’t want to take the time to fix this, especially seeing as how it was shot on a normal DSLR.
Technical flaws aside, my question to you: Did the review help? Did it strengthen your understanding of whether or not you want to buy a Fuelband? And would you want to see more of them?

Thanks to Eva for modeling the Fuelband in the video!