Tron Legacy will soon be upon us, but don’t try to brush up on your Tron knowledge by obtaining the original. Used copies go for as much as $75 on Amazon, and it’s completely unavailable on Netflix. According to Hero Complex, director Steven Lisberger recently remastered the film for a Blu-Ray release. Lisberger commented:
They’re trying to figure out when the best time is to release it. I don’t think there’s anything intentional going on to deprive ‘Tron’ fans of the new edition.
I call complete bullshit on this. Disney would only withhold copies of Tron (AKA completely avoid flooding the entire market with Tron DVDs) if they believed it to be financially advantageous. And with graphics and plotting that are incredibly dated, waiting until after Tron Legacy has made its millions before re-releasing Tron is probably the best move.