Entertainment Tonight has posted a teaser for a teaser of some Green Lantern footage (the full length of which will debut next week):
Over at /Film, the response is not kind. Here’s a typical comment:
The film may be months away but why release images that are not great looking? They obviously think this looks cool enough to put out there for all of us geeks, but it’s like throwing raw meat to wolves. This looks like another boring-ass CGI crapfest.
On a more extreme note, another commenter chimes in:
This looks horrible. What were they thinking? I really wanted to like this, but the initial suit pics had me worried already. CGI everything, too fake, terrible looking costume, no sense of realism at any point, Ryan Reynolds speaking….Now i get why they put Blake Lively in the movie. It was the only way they could get people to watch it.
There’s just no way to fix this mess in six months. I’ll be watching more trailers in the coming months, but they’re going to need a miracle to get this crap together. This might be one of those comic book properties that may be pretty much unfilmable due to the limited nature of current technology.
Scott Mendelson makes a good observation: Why do movie studios keep premiering footage at Entertainment Tonight? I understand they want the audience that ET provides, but ET often chops it to pieces, overlays a grating voiceover, and focuses on the aspects of the film that are more audience-friendly for the US Weekly/People magazine crowd. Release a trailer to Apple. Hell, choose a site like /Film to premiere the footage unvarnished. But letting ET’s editors get to it first is tantamount to poisoning the well for a film that could really use some fanboy support (check out my conversation with Devin for an elaboration on this topic).