Alessandra Stanley, on Jon Stewart’s interview with President Obama last night:
Mr. Stewart seemed to feel that he needed to voice the concerns of liberals who are disappointed in Mr. Obama’s legislative record, one he described as “timid” instead of coming up with more offbeat questions of his own. And the president, who had earlier in the day answered questions from radio talk show hosts and liberal bloggers, easily parried Mr. Stewart’s complaints about the lack of real change in Washington. As is his wont, he gave long, reasoned answers about the economy, unemployment and populist frustration that Mr. Stewart couldn’t or wouldn’t interrupt. Sometimes, Mr. Stewart showed his own frustration by making fun of his inability to get a word in, interjecting in a high, squeaky whine, “It’s just been hard not to talk.”
As someone who’s interviewed relatively famous people before, my sympathies lie with Stewart. His interview prep for last night was probably one of the most difficult he’s ever done. Still, Stanley’s points about the end result are probably on the mark.
Check out the interview here.