Remember that WSJ piece the other day by Amy Chua? The one where she propagates a nightmarish form of Asian child-rearing that sounds barbaric to Westerners? Turns out the Wall Street Journal completely took all her remarks out of context, and that the book it’s “excerpted” from is much more balanced and excellent than the short published section would imply. Jeff Yang has some great analysis over at SFGate:
“I was very surprised,” [Chua] says. “The Journal basically strung together the most controversial sections of the book. And I had no idea they’d put that kind of a title on it. But the worst thing was, they didn’t even hint that the book is about a journey, and that the person at beginning of the book is different from the person at the end — that I get my comeuppance and retreat from this very strict Chinese parenting model.”
Yet another reason not to trust The Wall Street Journal!